Minipoll results...
The 51th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest happened a month ago in Athens, since that time I've been asking the visitors of this blog how many points they would give the winning song Hard Rock Halleluja from Lordi.
261 fans casted their votes and here are the final results: 116 people (44%) gave the song 12 points, while 83 other voters (32%) gave it only 1 points. The 8 points where the third most voted option with 15 votes (6%) followed closely by the 10 points with 14 votes (5%).
The two most voted options together reach 76% of all the votes casted, which might confirm the ideia that in relation to this year winning song you either hate it or love it. All the other 8 options combined score a total of only 24%.
If we add the top 3 marks - 12, 10 and 8 - the percentage rises to 55%, while the 3 bottom scores - 1, 2 or 3 points - reach a total of 36%.
Overall I think that most people like Hard Rock Halleluja. Maybe if we listen to it carefully and see the performance we will find that this was not such a surprising winner after all, and we will be able to see some very eurovisionesque elements in it...
1 Comentários:
e pro ano somos nós, acho que o lobby de fãs portugueses devia começar a sugerir nomes para a RTP desenvolver a sua operação de charme .. hoje ouvi uns tais de Tia-Maria ou lá o que é, que me soou muito bem ... levar umas espécie de gotan project à eurovisão era um nicho de mercado que ainda não foi explorado (e não me falem em finlândia 2004 que não é desse tango que estou a falar...)
Anónimo, Às
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