Lisbon Calling...

terça-feira, abril 03, 2007

Lisbon calling Yerevan and Vienna

Country: Armenia
Performer: Hayko
Music by: Hayko, Karen Kavaleryan
Lyrics by: Hayko, Karen Kavaleryan
Review: After an auspicious debut last year with the song Without your love Armenia is directly qualified for this year's final where they will try to improve their result with the beautifull ballad Anytime you need.
This classical ballad reminds me a bit of Lane moja and Lejla, but it's not so ethnic, and also Kad zaspu andeli and You are the only one, without being croatian. With the exception of the last one, all other 3 songs scored top 10 results (You are the only one ended in 12th place) so this is good news for Armenia. Also, they have a strong diaspora vote which is always a nice thing...
There isn't much wrong with this song, although Hayko must give a much more powerfull performance in Helsinki them he did on the armenian national final if he wants to capture the viewers hearts and minds. He sang the song well but the stage act was a bit amateurish for ESC. Still, I think we will hear a lot of votes for Armenia on May 12th, even some douze points!
Country: Austria
Performer: Eric Papilaya
Music by: Greg Usek
Lyrics by: Austin Howard
Review: I don't like this song and since this is my blog I won't bother writing much about it. Positive thing about it: fighting AIDS and the promise of a 700 meters boa on stage with Eric. There is also talk about Swarovski gemstones in a Vivienne Westwood hoody.